Video: Youtuber makes a butt-wiping machine

This may be the machine that the world needs.

We are talking about a job, a completely natural activity. It is the fact that we have to tear up a bit of toilet paper and finish the rest after experiencing comfortable moments when sitting on the "porcelain throne". But imagine that you only need to press a small switch and a robot will do it for you.

The extraordinary producer and a YouTuber, Simone Giertz has announced her latest and "deepest" machine : the "wipe" butt.

Picture 1 of Video: Youtuber makes a butt-wiping machine
Simone Giertz's machine wipes her butt.

Not only did it clean up to the "spotless" level that the machine also made in record time. The "wipe" machine basically uses a drill that attaches to a roll of toilet paper at the drill. Then it is fastened to the lid of the toilet and controlled by a small circuit board, the drill and toilet paper roll will go down to the "necessary" position and go crazy.

Seriously, this automated system can completely "devastate" a person if we use them. Here, the author wants to remind us of human laziness in the expectation of a whole robot future. Giertz points out that this may be the device the world needs.