View information about countries around the world with CountryCode

Many times you have to search your memory to find the code or information about a certain country, that job will be more troublesome if you regularly go online to register procedures because during the declaration process. it will require the country code, but all the above problems will be solved easily if you have CountryCode software, a small utility that makes it easy to capture all the information. believe about a country you want to learn.

Picture 1 of View information about countries around the world with CountryCode

To find information about a country that you want to find out, select that country in the Country Name section, you can easily find the country code in the Dialing code section and the program also provides you. quite a lot of information about the country you have chosen such as: national flag, geographic location, time zone, currency, language, . You can also track the IP number of a certain country when clicking on Ip2country option, export results to files Htlm and copy the results of country information to text formats when clicking the option Copy all on the program menu.

As a free software, the latest version of 1MB of 2.0 is compatible with all Windows operating systems today, in addition to providing you with free information about more than 250 countries. , download from:

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