Vista SP1 officially launched in mid-March

The software giant said that it has completed the code of Vista SP1 and began to put it into mass production. However, users will not be able to receive SP1 through Microsoft Update automatic update service before March 15.

Vista Service Pack1 (Vista SP1) is the first major upgrade and fix package for Microsoft's latest operating system.

Its release is considered an important milestone in the wave of Vista applications, as many large businesses and organizations often wait until SP1 releases to decide to upgrade to a new Windows operating system.

According to Microsoft, SP1 will improve stability, security and performance for Windows Vista. First, the product will reach the mass of business users with a large volume of orders, next to a wide release to individual users.

Vista SP1 will be released in English, French, Spanish, German and Japanese via Windows Update and Download Center on its website.

However, Microsoft also recommends that some devices may not be compatible with the first version of Vista SP1, mainly because of a driver error.

Picture 1 of Vista SP1 officially launched in mid-March Late

It is expected that this "mass" release will not be soon before March 15, despite the recent rumors of analysts that Vista SP1 may be available from mid-February.

Microsoft explained the delay was due to the company wanting to wait for hardware vendors to ship Windows Vista SP1-ready computers to the retail system first. " We will try to fix the previous driver error. This is a bug that users have tried to detect in beta ."

Specifically, when installing SP1, some device drivers did not follow the instructions automatically, causing the device attached to them to operate incorrectly. "Most Vista users are not affected by this problem, but Microsoft still decided to be cautious," the company's representative said.

Also in this batch, Microsoft sent the Windows Server 2008 code to the manufacturer. According to the calendar, the software will officially hit the market since March 1.

The simultaneous combination of SP1 and Windows Server 2008 is expected to "clear the way" for Vista to enter the small and medium business market smoothly.