Vista - the end of the traditional virus

Picture 1 of Vista - the end of the traditional virus Windows Vista will give users a new level of security while putting an end to the traditional types of virus and computer worms.

This is the statement of Steve Ballmer - Microsoft CEO - during a talk in Silicon Valley.

' Security features will be the main reason why users should upgrade to Windows Vista. Besides the new graphics and search features, 'Ballmer stressed.

Microsoft's chief executive also pointed to the fact that Microsoft's Windows operating system is one of the top hackers' goals. But because of that, Microsoft has gathered a lot of information about how hackers attack.

Windows Vista will give users lots of advanced security features. By default, users log on to the system using the standard status in Windows Vista instead of the administrator account as in the previous operating system versions. Firewall system with the ability to filter information into the system, Windows Defender AntiSpyware . are built into Vista.

Internet Explorer 7 browser version has also improved significantly in terms of security, adding features that allow the browser to warn users about websites that are suspected of being used for phishing purposes.

However, Ballmer warned that hackers are still looking for ways to attack users' systems.

' The next generation of wave attacks will probably start from the very inside of the system. The security war will turn into a battle with phishing and malware '.

Hoang Dung