VN - one of the fastest recovery countries in the world

Forests, " Earth's lungs ", are gradually turning green as more and more countries succeed in preventing and ending indiscriminate exploitation of forests on their territory and restoring cut forests. break. Together with China and Spain, Vietnam is considered to be the fastest recovery country in the world.

Picture 1 of VN - one of the fastest recovery countries in the world

Cuc Phuong Forest - Vietnam

This is the content of a study on the situation of forest protection in the world for 15 years (1990 to 2005), published on November 13 on the American Academy of Sciences Journal.

The above research shows that in the past 15 years, the area of ​​reforestation and greening of "bare hills" worldwide, some forests are even more dense than nearly 200 years ago, has contributed to alleviating the climate of Earth warming, because the forest is the main absorbing place for carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), the main culprit of the greenhouse effect.

Of the 50 research countries, Vietnam, China and Spain have the fastest rate of forest restoration in the world, while Nigeria and the Philippines are the two countries with the highest rate of "disappearing" forests. The study also showed that forest areas continued to decline rapidly and rapidly in Indonesia and Brazil, while increasing in the US and China.

The authors of the study said that the policies of planting forest trees, increasing the area of ​​agricultural land (based on intensive farming methods) and the wave of rural migration to the city are contributing factors. increase the investment capital for forests during the past 15 years in 22 countries out of 50 countries with large forest areas.

Jesse Ausubel, an environmental expert at Rockefeller University in New York, said that a radical change in land use policies could be widely applied in countries such as Brazil and Indonesia - those countries still are facing serious deforestation, while contributing to speeding up the forest recovery process from now to 2050.

It is forecasted that in the next 45 years, the world forest area may increase by 10%, about 300 million hectares, equivalent to the area of ​​India today.

Picture 2 of VN - one of the fastest recovery countries in the world
Signage for tourists visiting Cuc Phuong forest (Photo: