What if you drop a giant ice cube weighing 30kg from a height of 45m down the platform?

That is the question that the guys at YouTube channel How Ridiculus thought in their heads. And they decided to find a solution for it.

Picture 1 of What if you drop a giant ice cube weighing 30kg from a height of 45m down the platform?
Before doing this adventure, they debated whether the two objects could break their trampoline.

This is probably the best video on YouTube How Ridiculous channel. When you read the title, you will think this is a naughty game of little boys, but this video is made by big guys. These two Australian boys decided to drop a giant block of ice at a height of 45 meters into a trampoline. And yet, they also released watermelons from the same height.

Before doing this adventure, they debated whether the two objects could break their trampoline. Derek and Brett - the two key members of the group put both watermelons and ice cubes on the scale table. The melon weighs 10 kilograms, and the ice cube weighs 28 kilograms. The first victim to receive "death sentence" is watermelon. They drop to 4 melons and they all shatter into pieces.

In turn, the stone was dropped, it was so heavy that the canvas was down, reaching the sand below. The How Ridiculus group continues to dig deep into the sand pit so that the rock mass can sink deeper. The canvas "survived" through both tests, but it was no longer intact.

Drop a giant stone from a height of 45 meters.