What is special in flowers that change three colors in one day

Flower content is probably one of the most special flowers in the world because it can change color from morning to afternoon. Flower species are called by many other names such as wood joinery, flowering dew flowers, alcoholic content, delicacy .

Picture 1 of What is special in flowers that change three colors in one day
Flower content.

Flower contented with the scientific name Hibiscus mutabilis L. Petals are thin, soft, light, beautiful and fragile. Flowers adapt to own three colors on the same day: pure white early morning, pink chalk at noon and crimson at sunset. Flowers wither at the end of the day.

The reason for flower adaptation can change color in just one day because anthoxyan petals have oxidized gradually when exposed to air. In the world, flower blooms are popular in China, India, the Philippines, Japan, America .

Flower contentment is a plant species of Cam Quy family. Flowers have 2 types are single flowers (5 wings) and double flowers (many wings). Big blooming flowers like a bowl, maximum size from 10cm - 15cm. After the flowers die, the tree gives fruits. The fruit has a spherical shape, light yellow hair. Flowering flowers bloom continuously from the dew season to the end of winter.