What is the harm of eating sweet food and how to quit this bad habit?

Addiction to sweets is the main cause of obesity and is becoming a common habit for many people, especially children. Let's learn about this bad habit and how to fix it!

As we all know, sweets are foods that contain lots of sugar. Sugar is not dangerous, a small amount of sugar is even needed for our bodies to function properly. Unfortunately, many people often have quite negative thoughts and wrong paths. So let us take a look at the three misconceptions that people often make. If you are having these wrong thoughts, change it now.

Some misconceptions about the road

Myth # 1: Sugar causes diabetes

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Sugar is not the cause of diabetes .(Source: internet).

In fact, sugar consumption when eating sweets does not lead to diabetes. People with this disease are usually inherited or have a problem with the pancreas. Saying the road dangerous to health is not true. In fact, a person can eat 12 tablespoons of sugar a day and still be fine.

Myth # 2: Sugar is more addictive than drugs

Many people think that sugar is even more addictive than drugs. This is an extremely misleading view. Scientists have discovered that if a person stops eating sweets, they will not experience craving symptoms like drug addicts. The craving for sweets often breaks out when people feel hungry, but we can refrain from wanting or eating alternative foods.

Myth # 3: Stop eating sugar will keep yourself younger for longer

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Removing sweets is not a sure solution to help you look better.(Source: internet).

This opinion is only partly true, there is no clear study yet to show whether a person who does not eat sugar has slower aging than those who eat normally. But if you absorb too much sugar, the collagen molecules in your skin will become brittle and hard, making your skin less elastic. So the most important thing is to listen to your body and load the amount of sugar you need.

When do we need to reduce sugar intake in eating?

There are some cases of forcing people to reduce their rations. In addition to diabetes and other diseases that have problems producing insulin in the body, we should also limit sugar in the following cases:

  1. The problem of fertility : Scientists from Harvard University have discovered that sweets reduce egg quality and the chance of conception.
  2. Pregnancy issues : Recent studies have shown that mothers who eat a lot of sugar during pregnancy are at a higher risk of allergic asthma.
  3. Physiological problems : High blood glucose levels when eating a lot of sugar reduce men's testosterone levels as a major cause of decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, sleep problems, etc.
  4. Problems with sugar levels : According to UCLA, large amounts of sugar exist in the blood that can cause permanent brain damage.
  5. When feeling thirsty often : Drinking more water than usual is one of the signs of diabetes or diabetes.
  6. Dry itchy skin : High blood sugar can make it dry and itchy.

Measures to change addiction to eating sweets

Don't worry if you're feeling that you've eaten too much sugar or sweets, BlogAnChoi will reveal some useful ways to treat sweets without stressing you.

1. Replace the joy of eating your sweets with other hobbies

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Practicing yoga will help you feel much more relaxed.(Source: internet).

Eating sweet foods will stimulate your body to produce endorphin - a happy hormone. However, the body can also release this hormone through other activities such as gym, yoga.

Through research, Dr. Komarovskiy proposed a similar approach for children. To attract children's attention from sweet foods to other things, parents should let their children participate in fun activities such as fishing, going to the park, or fairs. The more energy they use, the more they will go back home when they go home, instead of spending time eating food.

2. Don't forget to load protein

Cut down on sweet food and more protein. Foods with protein will make you feel full longer. Try eating meat, fish and seafood for breakfast and lunch. American nutritionist Christine Gerbstadt said chicken is particularly effective in reducing hunger when fasting.

3. Replace sweet taste with other flavors

Instead of eating sweet, you should create a rich eating habit with different food tastes. You can use cinnamon, it has a lot of healthy ingredients and also has the ability to regulate blood sugar.

4. Don't let your body be stressed or stressed

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It is not always a good idea to eat sweets when stressful.(Source: internet).

Emotional stress often becomes the reason why we want to eat sweets. Serotonin, magnesium and vitamin B also help to relieve stress. If you are realizing that you are always eating when you feel stressed, then you should see your doctor for advice and supplements for your body.

Legumes contain a lot of magnesium (especially peanuts and soybeans). Vitamin B can be found in meat, fish, dairy products, nuts (like cashew, almonds), seafood and beef liver.