The great cavalry when eating sweet potatoes, know that avoid if you do not want to 'carry serious disease'

According to Eastern medicine, sweet potatoes have many names such as orange oranges. Potato calculated average, sweet, has the effect of fostering the body, useful gas, hyper kidney, bales, inflammation, stick, bile, good eyesight.

Sweet potatoes can cure jaundice, ulcers, mammary gland inflammation, menstrual periods, sperm, dysentery. In addition, eating sweet potatoes can prevent colds, weight loss, prevent oxidation, fight inflammation and prevent many other diseases for the body. Although there are many such effects, but for some people, eating sweet potatoes can be harmful to body health.

People with kidney disease

People with kidney disease should absolutely not eat sweet potatoes because they contain a lot of fiber, potassium, vitamin A ., when the kidneys are weak, the function of eliminating excess potassium is limited, which will cause dangerous effects such as arrhythmia, weak heart.

People with bad digestive system

Picture 1 of The great cavalry when eating sweet potatoes, know that avoid if you do not want to 'carry serious disease'
You are only allowed to eat yourself within the limit of 'under three ounces' of sweet potatoes.

People with bad digestive system, frequent bloating, abdominal distention should not eat a lot of sweet potatoes because eating will increase gastric secretion, causing intestinal heat, heartburn, bloating.

Do not eat raw potatoes

Because without heat destruction, the starchy cell membrane of sweet potatoes will be very difficult to digest in the body. At the same time when boiling potatoes the enzymes in the potato will decompose, so after eating will not appear flatulence, heartburn, belching, nausea .

Do not eat too much sweet potato

No matter how much you crave sweet potatoes, just allow yourself to eat within the limits of 'under three ounces' of sweet potatoes. Because sweet potatoes easily cause the digestive tract to produce large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), overeating will cause bloating and belching. And it's best not to overeat when you're hungry and eat only sweet potatoes, then the stomach will easily stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, which can lead to discomfort in the abdomen.

Eat in the evening

Eating sweet potatoes at night is easy to acid reflux, especially those with weak stomachs or old people with poor digestion, because it will cause bloating, plus low metabolism at night, making it harder to digest easily. leading to insomnia.

Should eat potatoes at breakfast with whole milk or yogurt, a little more seeds and vegetables will be a breakfast full of nutrients necessary for the body.

Eat when hungry

Sweet potatoes have sugars, if eaten a lot, especially when hungry will cause increased gastric secretion to warm the intestines, heartburn, bloating a little. To avoid this situation, potatoes must be cooked, boiled, baked thoroughly or added a little wine to cook to destroy the yeast. If the stomach is full, ginger juice can be used to cure. Do not eat sweet potatoes when hungry.

Eat the whole shell

Sweet potato skin is very alkaline, eating sweet potatoes is good for those who have constipation, but eating whole potatoes is not good for digestion. Brown spots, dark spots on the skin of the potato when eaten can cause food poisoning.

Picture 2 of The great cavalry when eating sweet potatoes, know that avoid if you do not want to 'carry serious disease'
Sweet potatoes and persimmons should eat at least 5 hours apart.

Do not eat persimmon with sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes and persimmons should not be eaten together, at least 5 hours apart. If eaten together, the amount of sugar in the sweet potato will ferment in the stomach, causing more gastric juice to release, and the reaction with tannins and pectin in persimmons will cause precipitation, more serious can cause export. gastric bleeding or peptic ulcer.

Eat potatoes, reduce the main course

Sweet potatoes contain about the same amount of carbohydrates as rice, so if you already eat potatoes, reduce the amount of rice you eat during the day so you don't have too much starch.

When eating sweet potatoes, the substances in the potato will easily produce a large amount of gas in the digestive tract, which can lead to bloating and belching, so if you still eat normal rice, you should only eat about 100 more -200g sweet potato. This will help balance nutrition, good for health.

Should eat sweet potatoes combined with vegetables

If you only eat individual sweet potatoes, there is not enough nutritional diversity. Every day when eating sweet potatoes, should try to combine eating more vegetables and fruits, foods of the protein group to ensure a full meal. In addition, the combination of sweet potatoes and other foods will help you get more of the accompanying health benefits.

For example, when eating potatoes, you can eat more pork, which increases absorption, can promote the absorption of fat-soluble carotenoids and vitamin E. When eating potatoes with some salty foods Can adjust the taste, reduce stomach acid and eliminate stomach discomfort due to gas accumulation.

Some points to note when using sweet potatoes

  1. 1. For a nourishing effect, eat yellow-fleshed red peel potatoes. To relieve constipation and cure must use white-fleshed white potatoes.
  2. 2. Do not use sweet potatoes (tubers and vegetables) when too hungry because then blood sugar is already low, which further reduces causing fatigue.
  3. 3. Don't eat regular sweet potatoes because they contain a lot of calcium which can cause kidney stones.
  4. 4. Should eat sweet potatoes with animal and plant protein to balance nutrients.

Things to keep in mind when eating sweet potatoes in the winter help prevent cancer

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