Dry sweet potatoes against fatty liver

Dried sweet potatoes contain very valuable substances for the body, including anti-fat vitamins. The lack of this vitamin can lead to liver metabolic disorder, hepatic steatosis, cirrhosis.

Picture 1 of Dry sweet potatoes against fatty liver

(Photo: casece.com)

Sweet potatoes are foods rich in manganese, calcium, vitamins A, B, choline .

Sweet vegetable leaves are a popular and delicious vegetable. To prevent obesity, boiled beet and vegetables can be eaten. However, do not eat too often because it is high in calcium, can cause kidney stones.

In the tops of red sweet potatoes, there is a substance similar to insulin, so people with diabetes if they eat red sweet potato strings often have a very effective healing effect.

In addition, sweet potatoes also have a laxative effect, curing constipation. Sweet potato root is a good food for people with weakened liver.

People with metastasis, cloudy urine use dried sweet potatoes to drink powder 20 g daily in the early morning and evening before going to bed. Drinking for several consecutive weeks will work well.

Women with irregular menstruation, bad blood often eat sweet potatoes every 15-20 days. Eating a few months will work well.

Sweet potato peel contains many vitamins and minerals, so when boiled, it is necessary to protect the shell from being scratched, not peeled if not necessary.

In sweet potatoes with sugar, eating a lot, especially when hungry, will increase gastric secretion, heartburn, slightly bloating. To avoid this situation, the potatoes must be boiled, cooked thoroughly or added a little alcohol to destroy the yeast. If bloating, drink some ginger juice.

Sweet potatoes are medicinal and nutritious food for many subjects, but people with diarrhea, gastritis, low blood sugar should limit sweet potatoes.