When should I use compact fluorescent light bulbs?

You hear a lot about energy-efficient compact lamps, and plan to use it to replace all the lights in the house. In fact, not every case should install this lamp.

Compact fluorescent lamp is actually a variation of long tube fluorescent lamp (also known as tube light). These two types have the same mechanism of action, but different uses.

The mechanism is as follows: The current passing through the lamp will stimulate mercury to emit ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays will stimulate the coated fluorescent powder in the wall of the tube to emit visible light.

With tube lights, in the past, manufacturers often used standard fluorescent powder, giving a diameter of 36 mm diameter. Recently, in order to save electricity, they have added rare earth fluorescence powder, which increases the efficiency and durability of lamps, reducing the size to 26 mm. Rare earth fluorescent powder also gives light closer to true color.

Compact lamps use only rare earth fluorescence powder, giving better color accuracy.

Compact light is mainly used to replace red light (bright light)

Thanks to the use of rare earth fluorescence powder, compact lights help to reduce the size to almost red light, and have much greater efficiency, and longer life span, from 6-7 times. Therefore, compact lamps are mainly encouraged to use red lights. In addition, it also has twists or knots, handy instead of red lights easily.

Compact lamps do not replace tube lamps, because these two lamps have different uses. Due to the small size, compact lights are handy for lighting locations with limited space, such as house corners, bathtubs, decorative wall recesses, cabinets .

Picture 1 of When should I use compact fluorescent light bulbs?

Compact lamps are much more energy-efficient than red lights.(Photos: Alibaba.com)

Tube light has a wide light strip, so it is suitable for installation in large spaces such as living rooms, bedrooms .

Which lights do you read books?

An expert of the Division of Applied Spectroscopy, Institute of Materials Science, admitted that, in terms of color return (true color), the red light is still the best, because it gives the spectrum coincides with sunlight. Human eyes will be most comfortable when reading books in this light.

However, compact lamps have been continuously improved, the color return is over 85%, so it can still be used for reading.

With gemstones, it is important to assess the true color, so the red light is still the first choice.

Compact lamps are more toxic than tube lamps?

Recently, it has been reported that compact fluorescent lamps are economical, but contain mercury, which is harmful to the environment. Ngo Ngoc Thanh, deputy director of Rang Dong thermos lamp company, said that all fluorescent lamps of Vietnam and neighboring countries now use mercury in the form of granular or vapor forms to make luminescent catalyst. The mercury content depends on the surface area, so in fact, tube lamps (long tube fluorescent lamps) use mercury many times larger than compact fluorescent lamps with small surface area.

In addition, in Rang Dong's compact fluorescent product, mercury is used in tablet form, ie, encased in a protective layer so it has a higher safety.

However, Ms. Thanh still recommends that mercury is poisonous anyway, so consumers should not beat the bulbs themselves. If unfortunately broken, must be immediately packed into plastic bags, when cleaning to wear poison masks. In addition, the following products must be taken to a centralized collection place.

Thuan An