White sturgeon Huso huso

Huso huso, the white sturgeon, can survive in freshwater and saltwater environments, is a highly valuable fish in the market because their meat and eggs are very tasty and nutritious dishes, eggs are used as a caviar, this is a special dish with very high economic value. Picture 1 of White sturgeon Huso huso White sturgeon balloons are also worthwhile, the inner membrane of the bubble is used to make jelly - a pure form of gelatin, useful in many industries.

White bass live in the river or sea depending on the stage of development. Adult fish from the sea swim into the river in about March, swimming up to the upstream branches around May. There, they lay eggs in swift currents. Eggs cling to the stone until they hatch.

After the breeding period, the adults swim to the sea, but the young ones remain in the river for many years, and then swim straight to the sea. It takes at least 20 years, white sturgeon is new to maturity to be able to reproduce - then they come back from the sea to the river and upstream.

White sturgeon lays eggs in very large numbers: a 3m female can lay a litter of more than 3 million eggs with a total weight of 115kg eggs. The females about to lay eggs are often caught by fishermen to make caviar.

Huso huso fish have a strange appearance: their heads are covered with horns, 5 rows of similar horns run along their bodies. Picture 2 of White sturgeon Huso huso Mouth without teeth, long muzzle, 4 sensitive antennae used to sweep the bottom of the sea or riverbed to find food. The body is both long and flat; The back is bluish or brown, the color is lighter, the belly is white.

This rare sturgeon only likes to live alone, they often swim close to the seabed and riverbed to search for prey. The food of white sturgeon is small fish, deep water, mollusks, . Sometimes people also see them floating in the middle water layer.

Previously, fishermen used to catch white sturgeons up to 3.9m long and weigh about 800kg. But it is rare to find sturgeon Huso huso 2.5m longer and 360kg heavier.

In nature, white sturgeon is distributed in Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Adriatic Sea and Azov Sea. They often move into the rivers of Don, Kuban, Dneiper, Dniester and Danube.

Now this fish is being pushed to the brink of extinction , partly because of the pollution of the rivers and damming the water barrier that hindered the migration of fish, partly because of the amount of fishing. too big. Besides, people often kill adult females to get eggs, which seriously reduces the source of natural sturgeon. White sturgeon grows slowly: after about 20 years of age.

Picture 3 of White sturgeon Huso huso