who invented the flexible wetsuit?

Picture 1 of who invented the flexible wetsuit?

Jacques Yves Cousteau.

A free diving suit is a equipment that allows people to breathe underwater and explore the depths of the sea. Its inventor was Jacques Yves Cousteau.

Around 1930, the French navy experimented with new equipment for diving. Ancient diving suits are very bulky and less useful, making divers able to move only very slowly. Moreover, oxygen is transmitted to them through pipes connected to the water.

Captain Cousteas, a French naval officer born in 1910, sought to allow divers to move underwater freely as well as on shore. Together with his team, he invented a very light and flexible diving suit. Divers bring oxygen tanks on their backs. The clones allow divers to move quickly.

Cousteas invented a special camcorder for filming in the ocean. He also set up marine bases for scientific researchers to work. He died in 1998.