Who teaches the Maya how to calculate the calendar?

The Mayan created a boom in mathematics, to be able to record events over the years to determine the time of planting and harvesting, accurately calculating the weather and the most rainy days. in year.

The Mayan people are known for their amazing advances and insights into astronomy and mathematics. These advances are deeply expressed by the way this nation calculates time and technology for making calendars. The Mayans not only had a unique calendar, they created many calendars to cater to each individual purpose of calculating time: agricultural service, rituals.

Their mathematical techniques in primitive ancient peoples made archaeologists not surprised, especially because they were proficient in the concept of "0". Compared to the desert desert Arab merchants bringing the concept of "0" from India to Europe, the Mayans were 1000 years earlier.

Picture 1 of Who teaches the Maya how to calculate the calendar?

Mayans count for 20 days each month, each year with 18 additional months each year having five taboo days not included in any month. Thus the actual number of days in a year is 365 days. That number coincides with the perception of the time the Earth turns and revolves around the Sun in one cycle. The Mayans in addition to understanding the exact Earth calendar , they are very knowledgeable about Venus's year calendar . One year of Venus, which is the time for Venus to cycle through the Sun in a cycle, the Maya calculated a five-year-long Venusian year. And today counts a year of Venus with 583.92 days long. It was an amazingly accurate number that the Mayans had a method of calendaring several thousand years ago.

In social and production practice, the majority of ethnic groups base on the number of fingers to create the 10th base counting. The Maya are based on the number of fingers and toes to create. 20 base counting . In addition, they also use the 18th base counting, what does this count mean? Get what is a base? The Mayans were also the first nation in the world to master the concept of "0", and to realize and apply the "0" in mathematics to mark the level of awareness of a nation. In this regard, the Mayans compared to Chinese and Europeans were 3800 years earlier and 1000 years.

The pyramid that the Mayans base on their legal calendar to build is essentially a herd of divine sacrifices and astronomical observatory.

Picture 2 of Who teaches the Maya how to calculate the calendar?
The Mayan Chichén Itzá Observatory

The observatory at Chichén Itzá is the number one astronomical station built by the Maya and is also the oldest observatory. The top of this observatory is high above the tree tops in the jungle, inside there is a circular stairway to the top of the observatory. There are windows at the top of the tower to observe the stars. Outside the cliff of the tower, there is a figure carved with the spirit of the rain, and there are also figures of humanoid reliefs reaching out to the Universe. All that makes tiger scholars study and science has many thoughts and assumptions.

Their window of the Chichén Itzá observatory is not about the brightest stars but they head to the dark night outside the Milky Way . And their legal calendar can be maintained up to 400 million years later, what is it used for? In addition, where did they get from, calculating the Sun and five Venus with the precision only wrong in the numbers after the comma?

Obviously, all of that knowledge goes beyond the real needs of the Mayans living in the agricultural society and makes archaeologists unexplainable.

Out of their needs, it proved that the knowledge was not created by the Maya. So who gave the Mayans that knowledge? In an era where all the people on Earth are living in the underworld, who has gained such advanced knowledge?