The Mayan created a boom in mathematics, to be able to record events over the years to determine the time of planting and harvesting, accurately calculating the weather and the

The KM3 Observatory is 600m high and has just been completed on the seabed at a depth of 2000m in the area near the island of Sicily in Italy.

American astronomers discovered from the data stored two mysterious light sources flashed a total of 6 times and lasted for a minute before dissolving.

A star suspected of swallowing another star or planet next to it was found under the help of NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory.

After striking images of the Milky Way, Herschel Observatory intends to conduct a larger study thanks to two Spire - Pacs devices, but the plan is slowing down because scientists

About 10 years ago the Columbia spacecraft launched with the astronomers' hopes and dreams - Chandra X-ray Observatory

An X-ray observatory discovered a star exploding in the Milky Way, but observers have not noticed this event at all.

The winds of 180km / h caused the scientist to take only a few steps before being blown to the ground.

The water flowing out of the Ural Lake in Central Asia makes this lake look like a small green heart with blood. This is one of the most impressive universe images of the past

Strong winds with speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour sometimes lift weather observers to a few meters above the ground.