Why do most biscuits have tiny holes?

Is the maker of cake holes "eating out" of materials to create this strange biscuit shape?

crispy, smelling of butter - is a favorite of many people. But did you notice that there were many small round holes on the surface of the biscuits?

It should be confirmed that everything has its reasons. And the existence of these holes is the same.

Picture 1 of Why do most biscuits have tiny holes?
This small hole will allow steam to escape from the cake while baking.

According to experts, these small holes play a huge role in the baking process in a standard way. Specifically, this small hole will allow steam to escape from the cake while baking.

This evaporation will help the cake to be thin, flatten it in the shape you see initially, and also create a certain brittleness.

But not just punching a miscellaneous hole anywhere on the cake! When making, flour, cake will be rolled flat according to the designed mold. Depending on the size and type of cake, people will arrange the density, the distance between the holes together.

If the hole is too close together, the cake will be easier to dry because the steam evaporates too much.

On the contrary, if the hole is too far away, the cake will float with small bubbles, because the steam tries to escape without being able to escape. The result is an easy-to-deflate cake - that looks " extremely faulty".

Now do you understand the use of hole holes in each cookie?