Why do we have cancer?

Recently, singer Tran Lap has suddenly shared information of colorectal cancer on his personal page.

Learn the origin and formation of cancer

Have you ever wondered what cancer really is? Let's find out the solution through the article below!

How does cancer form?

Cancer (cancer) is a generic name to describe a group of diseases that reflect the mutation of cells . Normally, cells will follow a process: develop, divide into new cells and then die.

But cancer cells are different - they are immortal cells . Instead of dying, cancer cells will continue to proliferate, invade nearby tissues (local invasion) or distant (metastatic) through the lymphatic or vascular system.

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Cancer is not just a disease but many diseases. It is estimated that there are now over 100 different types of cancer.

Why is cancer deadly?

Metastasis is the main cause of cancer death . But why is that?

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That's because cancer cells metastasize to form new tumors, invade normal cells. This has paralyzed and prevented organs in the body from functioning, leading to the body's exhaustion, pain and impotence against other diseases, eventually leading to the inevitable consequence of death.

Why do we have cancer?

With the development of medicine today, we have identified quite a number of causes that can cause cancer, divided into internal and external agents.

Internal factors

It is the genetic factor . Some types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer, ocular retinoblastoma, etc., are made up of faulty genes and these genes will be passed down from generation to generation.

In addition, too abundant hormones sometimes trigger cancers, especially in women like breast cancer, cervical cancer .

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5 - 10% of cancer cases are hereditary.

However, only about 5 - 10% of cancers are caused by these causes.

External factors

90% of all cancers today are caused by external factors.

First of all, tobacco - the main cause of lung cancer, up to 90%. Smoking is also the culprit for about 30% of all cases of cancer, such as larynx, neck, stomach, kidney, bladder, pancreas .

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Smoke is one of the main causes of cancer.

Unreasonable diet can also cause cancer. According to the World Health Organization, the excessive consumption of red meat and smoked meat increases the risk of colorectal cancer, bowel and stomach.

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Bad diet also causes you to get cancer.

Direct contact with radiation types such as UV (in sunlight), X-rays, gamma rays . will increase the risk of skin cancer, thyroid and bone marrow.

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Direct exposure to the sun increases the risk of skin cancer.

Finally, agents come from viruses and bacteria. For example, HPV can cause cervical cancer, Hepatitis B virus and liver cancer, or Epstein-Barr, leukemia virus in humans.

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Besides, you also have to mention unhealthy lifestyles. High consumption of alcohol or alcoholic beverages can cause liver and gastrointestinal cancer.

In addition, unhealthy eating, lack of exercise can cause overweight, causing women to produce excess hormones, increasing the risk of diseases such as breast cancer, cervical cancer .


This article is intended to help you have a clearer view of cancer - the leading cause of death in the world (according to statistics from WHO). According to experts, 40% of cancers are preventable and 30% of cancers can be cured if treated promptly.

Therefore, you need to maintain a healthy, appropriate lifestyle and stay away from harmful agents. Again, "Cancer does not leave anyone" , so protect yourself!

Cancer is one of the leading lethal agents in the world.

According to statistics from British Cancer Research, the world has 14 million more cancers in 2012. Among them, the 4 most common types of cancer include:

  1. Lung cancer.
  2. Prostate cancer.
  3. Bowel and colorectal cancer.
  4. Breast cancer.