Why do we sigh?

Tiredness, sadness, sadness, etc., all of these feelings are very different, but sighing seems to be a common way each time you experience those negative feelings.

In theory, there are many explanations, but no one is completely convinced which one is correct. Now researchers have discovered an explanation, able to answer the question why sigh.

Sigh is defined as a long breath, twice as deep as normal breathing. Sighing is considered to be related to your emotions, emotions. It is also a way to dilate the lungs - inflating the alveoli, small pockets in the lungs, where oxygen and carbon dioxide come in and out of the blood.

Picture 1 of Why do we sigh?
If you do not sigh, your lungs will deteriorate over time.

That stretch, bulging, is very important for the lungs to work properly . 'When the alveoli' collapses ', they give the lungs the task of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide,' says Jack Feldman, a biologist at UCLA and one of the authors of the study. ' The only way to inflate them is to sigh, which is a normal long and deep sigh. If you don't sigh, your lungs will deteriorate over time '.

That may be why the brain stimulates your body, so you have to sigh about a dozen times an hour to humans, and sigh more often to animals. But scientists have never identified which neurons in the brain triggered this reflex.

Researchers decided to look at the respiratory center in the brain. They analyzed the genes in those cells and found that hundreds of cells produce one of two chemicals that allow them to communicate with the 'preBötzinger Complex' - a bundle of several thousand neurons that have The task of controlling the rhythm and the message of the breath.

When the researchers injected these compounds, also known as 'Nmb' or 'Grp' , into the brains of the mice, they found that the mice sighed 10 times more every hour. When they blocked the Nmb compound, the mice sighed less than half the normal, even when suppressed, the mice almost never sighed. These changes did not affect the normal breathing of the mice.

Those same patterns exist in humans, and researchers believe they also contribute to the regulation of sighing. If physicians can increase these compounds, they may increase the frequency of sighs in patients with breathing difficulties, and reduce it in patients with psychological difficulties, or anxiety, causing they sighed too much.

Other psychological studies of sighing have concluded that long openings can be used to express our emotions, or may sigh as a 'reset button', restarting the respiratory system. steaming . Researchers hope that understanding these things may be necessary and help treat respiratory patients.

Scientists believe that they have discovered the secret behind human sighing. But they are still not sure how emotions and emotions affect the sigh.'It is possible that nerve cells in the areas of the brain that control the emotion are stimulated, and they lead to people sighing, but we are not sure about that,' Feldman said.

  1. Benefits of long breaths
  2. People will die if they don't often let out a sigh