Tiredness, sadness, sadness, etc., all of these feelings are very different, but sighing seems to be a common way each time you experience those negative feelings.

Effective lungs and respiratory system have contributed to the great size of many dinosaurs, according to research by British experts.

A recent detailed study of the H1N1 flu virus shows that this is a more dangerous disease than people think.

Each of our breaths carries toxins from polluted air into the lungs, but the amount of toxins that blood absorbs from the lungs is very small.

The fact that the air is breathing daily can make the fat person seem irrational, but many studies have proven that this is possible.

Research by scientists from Canada shows us that urban dust not only pollutes at the mechanical level but also at the chemical level.

Most patients die from paralysis of the respiratory system. Austrian neurologist Von Economo once tried to cut the brain of a dying patient to study the disease.