Why hot pack to help relieve pain?

Do you have abdominal pain? Put hot packs on your abdomen, you will feel comfortable right away. Not only is this very effective, but it is also scientifically proven.

Picture 1 of Why hot pack to help relieve pain?

(Photo: HTV)

A British research group sought fondness for the effectiveness of the remedy transmitted by old women.

'Hot packs don't just act like a placebo,' explains Dr. Brian King of the University of London. 'Hot compresses relieve the pain by acting on some sensory organs like painkillers'.

This remedy is not only effective for intestinal colic, but can also be used for menstrual cramps.

Dr. King explained that the heat sensing device called TRPV1 inhibits the pain receptor activity of P2X3 and may be used in the future to treat the disease.