Why say natural resources are limited?

Natural resources mean the components of nature that are used by humans in certain forms to exploit and apply to life, necessary materials for society. Common natural resources are: land, water, air, forests, meadows, marshes, seas, wildlife, microorganisms, mines, etc.

Among natural resources, apart from a few species that are primary, most are secondary resources. Primary resources have sunlight, air, wind, waterfalls, climate, etc. They are infinite sources. Secondary resources include: land, minerals, forests, etc. They are all finite resources .

Picture 1 of Why say natural resources are limited?
Minerals, forests . are all limited resources.

Secondary natural resources are formed during special stages of Earth's natural transformation, so their quality and quantity are limited. Once an organism is destroyed, it will be difficult to regenerate. Their distribution space is also uneven. Hence say they are finite.

For example, non-renewable natural resources such as land, peat, coal, oil, natural gas, etc. In the current period, these resources are not easily regenerated. But the past mankind due to low production level should not be aware of this problem, so it is thought that these resources are exploited forever and not exhausted.

For nearly 300 years, along with the rapid development of production capacity, the natural resources have been increasingly exploited and abused, wasted at will and without restriction, so there is a risk of lack of resources. .

According to the survey data, the major resources are not much reserves, within a few hundred years will be exploited. For example, the life of an iron mine is less than 200 years, the reserves of coal are only about 200 years, and the oil reserves are less than 30 years. Regenerable natural resources such as land, animals, plants, microorganisms, forests, steppes, aquatic organisms, etc., due to unlimited deforestation and hunting, are abundant. the species is exterminated, making it impossible for them to regenerate.

More tragic is that the resources that are considered to be infinite such as air and water, due to human pollution, are now in danger of being lacked. So from a macroscopic perspective, all kinds of natural resources are almost in a state of pessimism ' being exhausted, exhausted'.

  1. What is nature? Classification and role of natural resources
  2. Natural resources run out faster than ever