Women are more likely to be born when there are relatives nearby

Women who pass through labor have a close relative who will go through the war in a more convenient and safe way, compared to those who are alone.

Besides, the appearance of a companion does not cause any safety problems. In fact, when a pregnant woman holds the hand of another person, they will reduce the chance of having stained amniotic fluid from a stained newborn - if it is inhaled, it is very dangerous.

Although giving family members in the delivery room has been accepted in many parts of the world, many medical facilities do not allow others to appear. This is especially common in developing countries, said Dr. Odalea M. Bruggemann at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the US.

Picture 1 of Women are more likely to be born when there are relatives nearby She and her colleagues gave 212 women to run alone or with people nearby, to compare the experience.

Among the pregnant women who are allowed to have a companion, half choose their husband or father, 30% choose their mother and 23% choose a relative who is a woman or a friend. Women with support from relatives are much more comfortable in their labor than those who are alone. They also increased 8 times satisfaction with labor and 6 times satisfaction with childbirth.

In addition, women who have people nearby are also more satisfied with medical care and guidance during delivery."Maybe when there are other people in the delivery room, health workers are more friendly and kind," the researchers wrote.

Women with companions also had a 49% reduction in the risk of getting amniotic fluid compared to women who had to move themselves. This may be because they are less anxious and fearful.

"On the one hand, everyone has found that having a companion for labor has many benefits, on the other hand, there are many hospitals in the world that do not allow family members to appear. This research result can help people. We have more knowledge and respect for women in childbirth, " the researchers wrote.