Women eat an apple every morning on an empty stomach, 7 days later the body will feel a significant change

During the day, the best time to eat apples is in the morning, on an empty stomach because it is easier to absorb, promoting the benefits of apples better.

What the body gets when eating apples on an empty stomach for 7 days

There is a saying: "An apple a day, the doctor will keep you away", which shows that the nutritional value of apples is very high. Apples are rich in vitamins C, K, B6 and riboflavin. They also contain minerals like copper, magnesium, potassium and manganese. Eating apples is also an ideal way to consume the amount of fiber that the body needs each day.

During the day, the best time to eat apples is in the morning, on an empty stomach because it is easier to absorb, promoting the benefits of apples better.

Picture 1 of Women eat an apple every morning on an empty stomach, 7 days later the body will feel a significant change
 Apples are rich in vitamins C, K, B6 and riboflavin.

1. Prevent constipation

Apples are rich in organic acids, cellulose and minerals, which can promote intestinal health, support beneficial bacteria in the intestine, promote smoother bowel movements, thereby preventing constipation.

2. Effective weight loss

Women who want to have a fit body try eating apples in the morning. Eating apples on an empty stomach every morning will make you feel full for a long time, prevent overeating during the day and achieve weight loss effects. In addition, apples contain a lot of water that will not cause fat accumulation in the body when you eat full, the weight loss effect will be doubled.

Picture 2 of Women eat an apple every morning on an empty stomach, 7 days later the body will feel a significant change
Women who want to have a fit body try eating apples in the morning.

3. Whitening and moisturizing skin

Apples contain a substance called polyphenols, which can play a role in skin care and are great antioxidants. Especially in the morning, the skin is often dry due to lack of water, eating apples will have a moisturizing effect on the skin. Moreover, the vitamin C content in apples is also relatively high, this substance has a very good skin whitening and softening effect.

If you regularly eat apples on an empty stomach for 1 week, not only will your skin become more and more beautiful, but it will also delay skin aging.

4. Clean your mouth

In daily eating, bacteria will more or less multiply, stagnate in the teeth and oral cavity, if accumulated for a long time in the oral cavity, it is very easy to cause damage to the intestinal tract. Eating apples in the morning on an empty stomach can effectively reduce the bacteria content and clean the oral cavity.

Picture 3 of Women eat an apple every morning on an empty stomach, 7 days later the body will feel a significant change
Eating apples in the morning can effectively clean the oral cavity.

5. Added natural sugar

At night, the body does metabolism and digestion so that after waking up in the morning, the energy is relatively low. Morning is the right time to replenish energy, especially natural sugar. Carbohydrates and many nutrients found in apples can help us replenish the amount of sugar we need without causing weight gain.

6. Diabetes Control

Controlling the blood sugar levels of diabetics is essential. Polyphenols in apples help reduce carb absorption in the body. Reducing carb absorption in the body helps prevent blood sugar fluctuations. Moreover, the polyphenols in apples help stimulate insulin receptors in cells to work more efficiently and strongly.

7. Healthier Heart

Apples are considered a "superfood" for heart health. They lower cholesterol levels in the body and build strong defenses against cardiovascular diseases. The antioxidant properties in apples reduce fat oxidation and neutralize fat present in the blood vessels. Quercetin, a flavonoid in apples, helps reduce inflammation in blood vessels. This is why apples are considered a powerful heart-healthy food.

Picture 4 of Women eat an apple every morning on an empty stomach, 7 days later the body will feel a significant change
Quercetin, a flavonoid in apples, helps reduce inflammation in blood vessels.

8. Better eyesight

Apples are known to improve eyesight and help keep eyes healthy. If you regularly eat apples in the morning, the antioxidants in apples will work to reduce the impact of free radicals on the eyes and prevent many eye diseases.