Writer Patrick Modiano won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Literature

He is a French writer, author of many novels translated into Vietnamese such as "Star Square", "Periphery", "Street of dark shops" and "At the cafe of lost youth ".

The 2014 Nobel Prize for Literature was announced by the Standing Secretary of the Swedish Academy Peter Englund on 13th October at 9pm (Stockholm time, 18h on the same day, Hanoi time). The Academy awarded Patrick for "with the art of memory, he recreated the most elusive fate and explored the world - life in occupation" . Peter Englund remarked: "Patrick Modiano can be considered Marcel Proust of our time." He is the 11th French writer to win this award.

Picture 1 of Writer Patrick Modiano won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Literature
Writer Patrick Modiano

The Swedish Academy's honor for Patrick Modiano is considered "a surprise" for literary and readers. Many people believe that they have never heard of Patrick Modiano. The Swedish Academy Secretary - Peter Englund - also stated in the award announcement: "Patrick Modiano is a famous author in France, but not in other countries. He wrote children's books, screenplays. but mostly fiction, his theme is memory, identity and time, his most famous work is Missing Person (Rue des boutique obscures), which is the story of an amnesia detective. Your last case is to find out who you are . " Earlier, Philip Roth, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Svetlana Alexievich and Haruki Murakami - were considered top candidates.

Meanwhile, the public comes from countries such as France, Italy, Spain, where Modiano's works are widely translated, congratulating him."A great decision. Absolutely worth it. I used to read all his works, except those I didn't have. They were all very meaningful , " wrote Nick Toribio, a nickname on Twitter.

Picture 2 of Writer Patrick Modiano won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Literature
The latest novel is translated into Vietnamese by the French writer.

With this award, Modiano will receive 8 million Swedish kronor (about 1.1 million USD).

Patrick Modiano was born on the outskirts of Paris on July 30, 1945. His father was Jewish Italian, and his mother was a Belgian actor. He is a big name in contemporary French literature. Modiano received the 1978 Goncourt Prize for the novel Rue des boutique obscures (Vietnamese name: the Street of dark shops), received the Paul-Morand Lifetime Literary Award in 2000. Modiano's work always feels empty. unsteady, lack of confusion, obsession. Modiano has quite a number of books translated into Vietnamese, such as: Star Square, Perimeter boulevards, Dark shops and At the cafe of the lost youth. Although very famous in France, he lived quite discreetly, rarely appearing before the media or interviewing the press.