Young girl 19 into the youngest professor in the world

The prodigy Alia Sabur, the American became the youngest professor in the world when he was 19 years old. While the others left the preschool, she finished level 1.

Picture 1 of Young girl 19 into the youngest professor in the world Born in 1989 in the United States, Alia featured in the list of superhuman prodigies when the proportion of prodigies discovered often tended to boys.

Alia could speak and read when she was eight months old. Up to 2, Alia read the whole Chalotter's web novel and mastered it. The number of classes that Alia had completed was always greater than her age.

When other students of the same age left preschool, she ended the education program for elementary school students. She finished the ninth grade program at the age of eight. Her parents have to work hard to find schools that match their daughter's cognitive abilities. Even the best private schools in Manhattan did not respond to her rapid progress.

Alia said that her teacher often said: 'I find something to do. I have to teach the whole class' . So, when there's nothing new to learn, she sits reading.

At 10, Alia was admitted to Stony Brook University in New York. Because she was too young, her mother had to take her daughter to school every day. She also brought stuffed animals to the university's physics department.

Her mother said, the day of the graduation exam for the math app, she arrived late for the exam for two hours. She sat down at the table and finished the exam within 15 minutes. Her mother asked: 'Alia, only 15 minutes?' , she replied, "Good mom!"

Indeed, when she achieved an excellent score in applied mathematics, her professor sent a message, joking: 'Maybe I should be late for every graduation exam.'

After earning a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics, Alia Sabur was awarded a scholarship of a joint training program from a master's degree to a PhD in material science at Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA.

Picture 2 of Young girl 19 into the youngest professor in the world

Alia Sabur is always interested in medical research applications in medicine. The research topic for her doctoral thesis is protein folding. Alia hopes that her research will help find a cure for Alzemer and mad cow disease (both of which are related to abnormal protein folding). Her goal was to elucidate the cause of that unnatural fold and find a way to restore them to normal structure.

She also conducted a groundbreaking study to develop cell-based probe sticks based on the nanotube technology used in medicine. These dipstick will allow the ability to measure the reaction of nanomaterials into individual cells.

Not only is a prodigy in the field of natural science, Alia is also a musical talent. She played Clarinet from the age of six. When she was 11, she became a Clarinet artist in the Rockland Symphony Orchestra.

Alia studied music under the guidance of famous teachers like Ricardo Morales and David Weber. She won high awards at music performance competitions such as the First Prize in the Clarinet performance contest for outstanding young artists.

In 2006, Alia graduated from the Julliard Conservatory. In addition, Alia Sabur was a Taekwondo student, wearing a black belt when she was nine years old.

In February 2008, when less than 19 years old, Alia was appointed as a full professor at Konkuk University (Seoul, Korea). She became the youngest full professor in the world. She is currently teaching at the university's physics department.

Alia confided: 'My parents always encouraged me in whatever I wanted to pursue. I believe that I enjoy heavenly ability and a good, nurturing and educational environment ' .