Should scratching after mosquito bites?

When bitten by mosquitoes, in addition to the risk of infection, the first annoying thing for us is the itching, but itching must be scratched. So when mosquito bites, should we scratch or not?

This seems to be too ordinary, but it really is the concern of the houses and.

Picture 1 of Should scratching after mosquito bites?
In the small picture is TS.Mark Hoon, who found the itch circuit in every human being.

Due to the need to physiologically pregnant and lay eggs, only female mosquitoes burn people. When burned, before sucking blood, mosquitoes will be injected under our skin. Their saliva contains an anticoagulant. This substance is detected by the immune system and immediately releases a molecule, which is histamine . Histamine is the nerve message sent to the brain to warn of the presence of intruders. This reaction also causes the appearance of a swelling, accompanied by an itching feeling that makes us uncomfortable and need to scratch.

Surprisingly, when scratching, it is time to push the skin surface receptors to send more messages to the brain. Therefore, scratching makes the brain react more to the attack of the active substance that the mosquito has burned.

But how does the information from the skin to the brain go back to the skin carrying "scratching commands"? To answer this question, TS. Santosh Mishra and Mark Hoon, biologists at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda (US state of Maryland), studied and identified a neurotransmitter among key, sensory neurons. is the first messenger to bring information.

This neurotransmitter named "NPPB" is a B-type polyuretic peptide , which was discovered a long time ago with the only known function to control blood sodium levels, so this is a surprised when a new function is discovered, but in the nervous system.

Dr. Mark Hoon also added that five years ago, he thought that crippled information was detected by sensory neurons indistinguishable, and then the new brain categorized the pain, burning or itching sensation. . But the study this time found the opposite: in each of us there is an itchy circuit!

In addition, scratching an itch can cause skin scratches, allowing bacteria to enter the blood causing infection, so we should not scratch the mosquito bite. Instead, apply the main ingredients Diphenhydramine to the bite, or use a small amount of anti-allergy medication.

Picture 2 of Should scratching after mosquito bites?
A cold stone applied to the mosquito bite also has a relatively effective effect.

In case you do not have medicine in your home, a cold stone applied to the mosquito bite also has a relatively effective effect, as many scientific studies have shown that cold temperatures are likely to reduce sensation. itching caused by histamine.

It is also important to know that mosquitoes only like to burn some people but do not like some others. Dutch biologists have studied and found that this insect is really attracted by the smell emitted by bacteria that live on human skin. But these bacteria are different from person to person.

Therefore, to determine, biologists gave Anopheles gambiae, one of the malaria vector species, smelled of 48 men. As a result, there are 9 smells that make them attractive, and the remaining seven do not. In addition, mosquitoes also like to burn skin that contains many bacteria.