Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins

Giant white sharks plunge into the water like arrows to catch prey and perform acrobatic movements like circus actors.

Picture 1 of Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins
A white shark jumped out of the water to grab a seal in False Bay in South Africa. Michael Rutzen.

Picture 2 of Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins
Looking at this scene, some people will feel the seal is pitiful.
But in fact it's just a seal made from foam.

Picture 3 of Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins
Michael Rutzen, a South African photographer, tied the seal of a seal
Enter your ship to lure sharks.

Picture 4 of Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins
Giant white sharks often swim below the surface until they detect their prey. They approach the prey and then jump to the surface and grab the teeth into their targets.

Picture 5 of Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins
The favorite prey of giant white sharks is membrane-like mammals like seals, sea lions.

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With a length of more than 6 meters and a mass of more than 3 tons, the giant white shark is one of the largest carnivorous fish on the planet.

Picture 7 of Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins
Rutzen claims that white sharks are very intelligent. They often deceive dolphins, one of the smartest fish in the ocean, whenever they have to compete in the hunting process.

Picture 8 of Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins
While plunging down to contend, a sea bird nearly fell into two
The teeth of the ocean killer.

Picture 9 of Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins
Humans are the biggest threat to giant white sharks. Fishermen hunt them to get their teeth, which are considered sacred charms in South Africa. Each tooth of a giant white shark can be sold for $ 17,000.

Picture 10 of Spectacular acrobatics of ocean assassins
Scientists do not know the exact number of white sharks
giants worldwide.