The cause of thousands of unusually dead birds along Alaska's beaches

Images of dead birds lying around all over the beach made many people shocked. So what causes them to die so massively?

The death of tens of thousands of Uria aalge seabirds drifting to the beaches of California to Alaska (USA) made many people shocked and heartbroken.

Researchers have recently discovered the reason why thousands of birds die.

Picture 1 of The cause of thousands of unusually dead birds along Alaska's beaches
Dead birds are listed on the coast.

Accordingly, experts believe that the warming of the sea surface temperature is a source of scarce food , causing thousands of dead seabirds along this beach in the US.

John Piatt, an expert at the US Geological Survey, said that in the past years there were also dead seabirds in the winter.

However, as many as tens of thousands of children like this year in Alaska's beach area are unprecedented. Dead seabirds mainly belong to the large seabirds of the Ural aalge that live mainly in North America.

According to the investigation, experts say that the reason is due to the global warming of sea water - El Nino fluctuates the source of bird food such as sardines and small crustaceans.

Picture 2 of The cause of thousands of unusually dead birds along Alaska's beaches
Experts say the reason is due to the global warming of the sea.

The prey moving to other waters leads to starvation, weakness and mass death. Uria aalge seabirds look quite similar to penguins, they are clumsy on the ground but are masters of hunting fish when able to dive underwater nearly 200m. The metabolism of uranium aalge is high and requires them to eat a lot to maintain life.

If they do not eat 10-30% of their daily body weight, they will be forced to use stored fat and only enough to hold their breath before 3 days of starvation.

A survey showed that Uria aalge seabirds in Alaska were almost very thin. They were starved, and consumed their fat and protein reserves until their body masses were wilted and exhausted.

Piatt said: "This is really a painful truth, it's a terrible death."

Picture 3 of The cause of thousands of unusually dead birds along Alaska's beaches
The prey moving to other waters leads to starvation, weakness and mass death.

NASA experts believe that, under the impact of climate change , global seawater is warming day by day . They cause a large amount of bird food such as fish, zooplankton . to evacuate. Thereby leading to serious consequences, upset the ocean ecosystem.

Not only that, El Nino also heated the atmosphere and changed convection currents globally, namely that the pressure on the Pacific Ocean would be stronger and cause more major storms to occur.

Therefore, we need to be conscious of protecting the Earth today to repel these nightmares that can threaten all of humanity.