The magic of the Sun explosions

The sun is not only a light god, but there are many phenomena that express 'strength'. They are magnetic storm explosions, aura explosion, ultraviolet energy explosion .

1. Storm from

The powerful 'magnetic storm' that took place on June 7 showed a brilliant ' fire ' with thousands of dense clouds of energy particles rising on the surface of the Sun. Scientists said that its power could break down satellites in the universe.

Picture 1 of The magic of the Sun explosions

2. Energy explosion X1.5

On March 9, the Sun emits a layer of energy X1.5, the power that can change the Earth's aurora. NASA's Dynamics observing spacecraft captured this image and could clearly see white energy pits spilling out to the right of the sun.

Picture 2 of The magic of the Sun explosions

3. Comet approaching the Sun.

On May 10 and 11, the SOHO spacecraft spotted a comet approaching the Sun. According to astronomer Sergey Shurpakov, the comet running after this sun may be a member of the planet Kreutz.

Picture 3 of The magic of the Sun explosions

4. Explosion aura

The STEREO spacecraft captured the image of the amount of aura emitted from the Sun and turned in the opposite direction to the Earth, occurring on February 28.

Picture 4 of The magic of the Sun explosions

5. Energy M3.6

On February 24, NASA's solar observer showed that the M3.6 energy in the CN storm lasted 90 minutes. Scientists call this emitted energy class ' giant monster ' that floats on quartz.

Picture 5 of The magic of the Sun explosions

6. Ultraviolet energy

The image that NASA telescope captured on February 14 was the X2 class solar fire with ultraviolet rays. This is the biggest energy boom in more than four years.

Picture 6 of The magic of the Sun explosions

7. The sun is ' cool '

March 30, 2010, for the first time astronomers see the sun as " most pleasant " to us because the whole sun is covered in green, a form of ultraviolet rays.

Colors on the Sun show different temperatures. At red spots, relatively cool temperatures - 107,540 degrees F. Green and blue, the temperature is higher.

Picture 7 of The magic of the Sun explosions

8. Aura rain

A purple halo of rain takes place on the Sun. There are two lines of 'plasma' bouncing off the surface of the Sun. Photo taken by SDO telescope.

Picture 8 of The magic of the Sun explosions

9. Tsunami on the surface of the Sun.

A solar tsunami occurred in 2009 by the STEREO dual spacecraft. This event helped scientists claim that the energy explosion on the sun is completely real.

Picture 9 of The magic of the Sun explosions

10. Magnetic

The magnetic ring has a temperature of hundreds of degrees Celsius around the sun captured by STEOREO. For the first time, we saw a close-up of the brilliant sun image under ultraviolet light surrounded by a magnetic ring.

Picture 10 of The magic of the Sun explosions