Strange effects of magic mushrooms on the human brain

Magic mushroom is an English term that refers to magic mushrooms, hallucinous mushrooms or magic mushrooms. Because it contains a powerful hallucinogenic component, it is even taken advantage of to produce synthetic drugs, which permanently changes human character.

A brief overview of magic mushrooms

According to the US government news site, the reason Magic mushroom, referred to as MM , is referred to as a synthetic drug because it contains hallucinogenic psilocybin compounds , making users feel excited, hallucinate, panic, maybe even become psychotic. Although toxic, it is used by many people in the form of food, such as making tea, mixing with other foods or making chocolate coatings because of its bitter taste. About 30 minutes after eating, the hallucinogenic effect of MM mushroom began to develop. Human perception of color, sound and light began to change. Everything around mobile, accompanied by nausea, muscle weakness and other physical changes. Particularly changes in awareness and thinking can last up to half a day.

There are hundreds of different MM fungi that contain psilocybin, appearing in many parts of the world such as Mexico, South America, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, South America and Eastern Australia. It has been found that MM has been used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies around the world, especially in the lives of the Aztecs. In the 50s and 60s in the last century, many experiments were conducted in the United States to produce pharmaceuticals from this mushroom. Along with Mescaline and LSD, MM fungi that are made of medicinal drugs should be banned and considered illegal. For pure medicine, MM has recently been used to treat mental disorders and many other diseases. According to research by King London University (UK) after use, psilocybin enters the nervous system, breaking the communication network of the brain, giving rise to hallucinations, will make users feel excited, intense so coated that it changes both awareness or reason. Because the drug changes the mind, the big risk, especially changing the personality of the person, causing dependence leads to addiction and mental effects that are difficult to control. Some people may not distinguish hallucinations from reality, which causes injury to themselves and those around them.

Picture 1 of Strange effects of magic mushrooms on the human brain
Magic mushrooms have hundreds of different types.

Strange effects of MM on the human brain

Causes irritation

Psilocybin is the most important compound found in MM fungi , affecting the brain and making users have a rich, vivid hallucination, such as erratic images, exaggerated colors, different flavors and sounds compared to reality. In short, the brain seems to become crazy, like after taking LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide ), a strong psychedelic drug, which stimulates the overall activity of the brain, stimulating the brain. It makes the brain become super- connected , allowing areas of less active regions to become active. This hyperlink will disappear when psilocybintan expires.

Permanent impact

There have been a number of studies conducted in the United States that show that when being injected into people, their personality will be changed, not merely disturbing nerve connections. Users become more open, liberal, attractive to others, they have a lasting impact on more than a year, not just temporarily. Specifically, MM users have long-term, persistent effects for at least 14 months after a single dose and can change permanently but in a positive direction.

Picture 2 of Strange effects of magic mushrooms on the human brain
Psilocybin in psychedelic mushrooms is a compound that creates a unique effect for humans.

Create hallucinations dreams

Psilocybin is a special compound that many other drugs do not have, creating a unique effect for humans, helping the brain to have hallucinations dreams while awake. Through the fMRI scanning technique the people affected by psilocybin showed increased blood flow in the hippocampus and the anterior cortex, which is responsible for emotional processing and is one of the strongest evolutionary brain regions of human. The two parts of the brain not only light up like a candle after using psilocybin, but it also creates a 'hyperlink' with other brain regions including those that have long been dormant, this effect of psilocybin is similar to when sleep and dream

Create strong hallucinations

Although it does not fully and accurately understand how psilocybin produces strong psychedelic effects, but it is hypothesized, psilocybin makes the nervous system overactive, creating a 'hyperlink' that makes parts Different brain and nervous system connect with each other in unusual ways. Create vivid, powerful feelings, such as melting walls, bright colors, real-world objects that change, or severely distort other than reality. Especially with psilocybin, when people use it, there is sympathy and phenomenon when the neural pathway of the senses passes and flickers, causing other insiders to have other strange feelings. often.

Picture 3 of Strange effects of magic mushrooms on the human brain
Many users of psilocybin say they have a better 'positive' feeling of 'connection' .

The positive effects of psilocybin

Psilocybin not only creates a dreamy state due to stimulation of the core regions, and pristine brain regions handle the deepest emotions of humans but it also actively 'closes' cognitive ability at higher levels of the brain. the set. Psilocybin reduced the effect on the 'late latency ' brain regions in the evolutionary chain, such as the prefrontal cortex, areas of high thinking, reasoning and self-recognition. This makes the user experience more intimate and brave in everyday activities. Many users of psilocybin say they have a better 'positive' feeling of 'connection' .

Science found billions of connections that make up the neural network, like the Internet. Graphical data shows that the brain's network lights up like fireworks, forming new connections when cells communicate with each other in a very fast and powerful speed when using MM. Thanks to the effect of psilocybin, the brain learns to communicate with itself better. This is confirmed by the insiders themselves, who feel like they are communicating with a far, deeper and more meaningful reality that ordinary people experience, such as being alert, refreshing and empathetic. than.

According to research by US scientists, psilocybin has certain positive effects on the human brain. People have found psilocybin treatments, such as treating depression and PTSD. It has a real effect on repairing damaged brain cells. Psilocybin helps fight serious illnesses like OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder) and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), through the mechanism of restructuring damaged parts of the brain after suffering hurt.

Picture 4 of Strange effects of magic mushrooms on the human brain
MM mushroom creates hyperlinks that make users have strong hallucinations.

Recent Johns Hopkins University research (UoJ) recently showed,. This method is twice as effective as other detox methods. Matthew Johnson, UoJ professor of psychiatry and behavioral science, said the method could be applied to other addicts. Recently, scientists have also studied psilocybin and psychedelics to make antidepressants.

Psychedelics works by strongly binding to the 5-HT2A receptor in the brain, which is a serotonin receptor, part of the SSRI antidepressant system (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). SSRI is a fairly widely used antidepressant drug, so it is not surprising that powerful hallucinogens are effective on the same receptor sites, resulting in antidepressant results. very effective.

In addition, science has shown, psilocybin is the safest , safer, and safer medicine than LSD. For example, in 2016, psilocybin users were less likely to need treatment than all other recreational drugs, such as LSD, marijuana, MDMA (ecstasy) and cocaine. Of the more than 12,000 people who reported using US psilocybin in 2016, only 0.2% needed medical care. So it can be said that psilocybin is one of the safest recreational substances known in ancient and present human history.