Why don't we fall off the bed while we sleep?

Some people think that when we sleep, we are completely unconscious and don't know what happens around us. But that is not entirely true.

When sleeping, the body and brain still work to make us healthy. While sleeping we still have a little sense of where we are sleeping.

Our bodies know when we are moving and where there is a sense called 'feel in the body', which is a sense of movement and body position. It is like a 'sixth sense' that helps the body know where we are and the relationship between parts of the body.

Picture 1 of Why don't we fall off the bed while we sleep?

When awake, this sixth sense helps us not to touch objects around us when we walk or know how to balance, not fall. Some people think that this sensation does not work when we sleep. But the fact is that when sleeping, the body still works so this sensation is still working.

Even when we are sleeping, we can still feel whether we are comfortable and the sixth sense works so we know where we are lying on the bed. Thanks to that, we don't fall off the bed.

However, as a child, this sense did not maximize its activity. This is why babies and young children can fall off the bed. The bigger we get, the better we feel, so older children and adults rarely fall off the bed.

A sleep has many different stages

Our sleep is not regular throughout the night and goes through different stages, from sleeping to deep sleep and repeating.

An important period of sleep, when we have the most interesting dreams, is called the rapid eye movement REM (REM) or rapid moving eye sleep . That's when our eyes move to try to see what's happening in our dreams. During this stage, the brain sends signals to the body to stop moving so it is rare for us to wake up or fall off the bed during this period.

If the brain and body do not transmit signals and perform good commands, then we will act like dreams.

No signal received

Sometimes the brains of some people who do not send this signal make these people act as they dream. This phenomenon is called 'REM behavior disorder' , but it rarely happens.

There have been stories of people with this disorder, as they patted an imaginary cat or sometimes hurt themselves by jumping out of bed while still sleeping. Most of these people, when waking up, did not know if they did so if others did not tell them.

Sleep is important to help children grow up and everyone is healthy. Sleep can heal wounds and make us happy, but while the body sleeps and the brain continues to work.