Why is blue light from the phone harmful to the eyes?

Smart phones are bad for eyes? Not at all, smartphones help me to order food faster and easier. Wrong, please listen!

Picture 1 of Why is blue light from the phone harmful to the eyes?
Green light reaches the retina and creates toxic substances that gradually damage the retina.

Among the light sources, smartphones are devices that we stare for a long time and keep it too close to the eyes. Therefore, it causes stress to our eyes.

Besides, the smartphone screen mainly emits blue light. Our eyes are made to absorb harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun to help protect the sensitive inner membrane, called the retina .

However, the eye absorbs very poorly the blue light emitted from the phone, so blue light will go to the retina and create toxic substances that gradually damage the retina. Therefore, long-term exposure to green light can affect our eyesight.

To solve this problem, many phone manufacturers have integrated Light Night feature. This mode makes the screen emit warmer color light, which helps reduce the negative impact of blue light.

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