'Man-made pancreas' - new hope for people with diabetes

Boston (USA) has just run the "artificial pancreas" test - a device that helps people with type 1 diabetes automatically control their blood sugar.

Picture 1 of 'Man-made pancreas' - new hope for people with diabetes

People with diabetes should have good blood sugar control if they do not want to experience serious complications.

The system - which includes a glucose monitor, two pumps and a laptop - is designed to mimic the body's natural sugar control mechanism (when the sugar levels go up or down).

After the test, 11 adults in the study had well-controlled glucose levels without hypoglycemia (the most common complication in diabetes due to overdosage and insufficient carbohydrate).

According to Xinhua, the pancreatic system not only produces insulin but also produces a hormone called glucagon, which helps patients achieve near normal blood glucose levels. for more than 24 hours.

"This is the first artificial pancreas to use insulin and glucagon simultaneously , " said Dr. Steven Russell, from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, who led the study.

He also said that only insulin-using artificial devices could be available in the market for the next five years. And both hormone-based devices will be available after a few years.