Canadian scientists have used artificial corneas to successfully restore sight to some patients, thereby helping them avoid the risk of blindness.

US scientists have just created artificial blood that can be used for wounded soldiers on the battlefield or hospitals with anemia.

Artificial spleen - a medical breakthrough - has just been successfully developed by British scientists.

Two US universities have collaborated to successfully synthesize artificial red blood cells (sRBCs), copying key features and functions of natural red blood cells.

Some of the first patients in the UK have just received a new type of artificial lens - which gives them a very good vision, even more than the ideal 20/20.

Children born from artificial insemination are invaluable gifts to infertile couples ...

Newcastle scientists (UK) have announced the creation of human sperm in the laboratory and this is the first time in the world to have this unique product.

A group of Spanish scientists has created an electronic tongue that can identify different cava wines and can simulate the work of a wine servant.

Japanese scientists have successfully fabricated new alloys similar to rare metals palladium - the world's first artificial rare metal.

Ben Goertzel, chairman of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence Research (USA), said: 'The Internet is operating quite similar to our minds. Perhaps it will reach the level of