Bright eyes 20/20 thanks to new artificial lens

Some of the first patients in the UK have just received a new type of artificial lens - which gives them a very good vision, even more than the ideal 20/20.

Picture 1 of Bright eyes 20/20 thanks to new artificial lens

Dr. Quereshi is examining a patient's eye.He is the first research leader in the UK to create artificial lenses to help his eyes look extreme.Photo: DailyMail.

Bobby Qureshi's eye surgeon, head of pioneering research at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital, England, described the technique as an "enormous development".

"We can change patients' eyesight to the time when they were young," he said.

According to DailyMail, doctors do this by implanting the lens into the eye (the method used for cataract patients) and then refining the focus.

Artificial lenses are made from a special type of light-sensitive silicon, which is also the first to be modified after implantation.

"We can turn this lens into bifocal or bifocal, as well as give it the best vision, enabling patients to read books without glasses," Dr. Qureshi said.

Users of this lens never need to replace or remove it.

Gill Balfour is one of the first patients to receive artificial lenses. She used to have cataracts. "It's unbelievable. It's like it's made right for you, perfectly suited , " she said.