There was artificial blood

US scientists have just created artificial blood that can be used for wounded soldiers on the battlefield or hospitals with anemia.

They take umbilical cord cells and use a machine that works like bone marrow to produce large amounts of red blood cells. An umbilical cord can produce 20 units of available blood.

A wounded soldier usually needs 6 units of blood. The wounded on the battlefield desperately needed blood for treatment, but the natural blood transportation was difficult, but the blood could not last long.

Picture 1 of There was artificial blood

Artificial blood could reduce American casualties.

Arteriocyte received nearly 2 million USD from the US Department of Defense to implement a blood-making program since 2008. The company has just sent the first batch of artificial blood to the US Food and Drug Administration for testing. Human blood tests can be carried out in 2013.

If the Ministry of Defense agrees, artificial blood will be widely used for injured soldiers within the next few years. Currently, the production cost per unit of blood is 5,000 USD. When mass production, costs fall to about $ 1,000.

Source: Daily Mail