After you see these signs appear, the risk of diabetes is very high

The typical factor leading to diabetes is when blood sugar levels rise. Diabetes (also called diabetes mellitus) refers to heterogeneous metabolic disorders, characterized by increased blood sugar levels in the body. The cause is usually due to unstable levels of insulin in the body.

So, if after eating, you find that your body has some of the following problems, get it checked out quickly.

Constantly thirsty

Foods that are too salty or too sweet to eat can lead to high blood sugar levels, which can lead to severe thirst. Because now, you will urinate more, more dehydration also reduces blood flow. So, to provide timely blood flow to help the brain signal normally, you should diligently drink more water and limit eating salty, sweet foods.

Picture 1 of After you see these signs appear, the risk of diabetes is very high
Foods that are too salty or too sweet cause blood sugar levels to rise, leading to severe thirst.

Hurry feeling hungry

The symptoms of overeating and fasting are both considered typical symptoms of diabetes warning. When you notice that you have this symptom, you need to see a doctor right away to monitor your blood sugar level and determine if you have diabetes or not, so you can treat it early.

Drowsiness, drowsiness

After a meal, if you feel like you're too sleepy and just want to get into bed right away, you're more likely to have diabetes or your blood sugar levels are rising. This is due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, which in turn causes the brain to lack oxygen, causing rapid drowsiness.

Urinate often

Most people with diabetes usually urinate more after eating. Because when blood sugar levels rise, the body primarily regulates excess sugar through two links. One is to secrete insulin and the other is to excrete excess sugar by urinating. So when blood sugar is too high, the person will urinate more often.

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