Classify 5 diabetes groups for treatment of target

Instead of dividing into two types, European scientists discovered diabetes with five different groups.

Diabetes is divided into two categories, type one and type two. However, the classification of disease groups may change after European scientists published the study from 14,775 patients.

Picture 1 of Classify 5 diabetes groups for treatment of target
It is possible to divide diabetics into five groups.(Photo: Biosphere Nutrition).

Specifically, in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, the authors from Lund University Diabetes Center (Sweden) and the Institute of Molecular Medicine (Finland) believe that diabetics can be divided into five groups:

  1. Group 1 : Severe diabetes caused by immune systems similar to type 1, patients who are sick when young and healthy, lose their ability to produce insulin.
  2. Group 2 : Similar to group one, patients with severe diabetes when young, weight is stable and cannot produce insulin but the cause is not from the immune system.
  3. Group 3 : Patients with severe diabetes are overweight, insulin is still produced but the body does not react.
  4. Group 4 : Patients with mild diabetes and obesity but metabolic process is closer to normal than group 3.
  5. Group 5 : Patients with mild diabetes due to age, symptoms appear when older than other groups and tend to be less severe.

Talking to the BBC, Professor Leif Groop of the author group identified a new classification very important, allowing doctors to prescribe drugs more accurately.

Currently, in the world, one out of every eleven adults has diabetes. This disease increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and necrosis.