Women with diabetes during pregnancy are prone to miscarriage

According to center for disease control (CDC) scientists recently warned that women during pregnancy are at high risk of miscarriage if blood sugar levels rise. turn or have diabetes.

This risk is 4 times higher than normal, not to mention that the health of the fetus can be seriously affected, such as damage to kidney function, cardiovascular disease, spinal disease. .

Picture 1 of Women with diabetes during pregnancy are prone to miscarriage Research on 40 cases of pregnant women experiencing problems such as miscarriage or childbirth with disabilities, scientists have found that in most cases, the mother suffers from diabetes in the process. pregnancy (focusing primarily on early pregnancy).

As explained by scientists, the cause of increased risk of miscarriage and birth defects in women with diabetes is: spike in blood sugar has adversely affected the development of Fetal tissue and organs, which cause this process to develop abnormally, or encounter some problems that lead to the immune system and defective organs as soon as they are in the womb.

Along with obesity, alcoholism, smoking or chronic infection, diabetes in pregnant women has been listed as factors that increase the risk of miscarriage and congenital disease in young children. .