7 diseases during pregnancy

Most pregnancies have good results. However, it will not be excessive to understand more about the risks that may occur during pregnancy. Here are 7 most common illnesses, ranked according to the most frequent to the least common.


Miscarriage is a miscarriage in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. About 15-20% of pregnant women fall into this situation and more than 80% of miscarriages before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Most cases of miscarriage in early pregnancy are thought to have chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo.

Signs of miscarriage are usually blood stains. So call health immediately if you find traces of blood at the bottom of your panties. At that time, you will get an ultrasound and a blood test to see exactly what is going on.

Labor and premature birth

Picture 1 of 7 diseases during pregnancy At the onset of contractions and causing the cervix to start opening (dilating) or thinning the cervical wall before 37 weeks of gestation is considered premature. About 12% of American children are born prematurely. Preterm birth can cause health problems, even threatening a child's life if the baby is born too soon compared to the expected.


Amniotic fluid works to protect and support the developing fetus. When there is too little amniotic fluid, it is called amniotomy. According to US statistics, about 8% of pregnant women suffer from this condition in late pregnancy.

If this happens, you will be monitored specifically to ensure the safety of the fetus. If it is near the date of birth, the doctor will appoint surgery to save the baby.


Preeclampsia is a complex disorder that affects 3-8% of pregnant women. The disease is usually diagnosed after 20 weeks of gestation with 2 main manifestations: increased blood pressure and increased protein in the urine. Most women have normal pre-eclampsia, but children need special care.

However, if severe illness can affect many parts of the body, even life threatening for both mother and baby. Most of these cases will be born sooner than expected.

Gestational diabetes

About 5% of pregnant women have this condition. However, not as serious as normal diabetes, it only occurs during the 24-28 week with increased blood sugar expression.

If you have gestational diabetes, you need to be closely monitored. Blood sugar levels will quickly stabilize with proper diet and exercise. Babies born are also completely healthy.

Conversely, it will cause serious effects on the fetus. Mothers with gestational diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life (25-50%) but the risk is reduced if they maintain a healthy weight and have a healthy lifestyle.

Far off the womb

' Bean ' fertilized eggs in the position outside the uterus will be called ectopic pregnancy. Eggs can ' stay ' right on the egg, ovary, cervix, abdomen or old surgical scar. There is no way to transplant this stray embryo back into the uterus so the only way is to terminate the pregnancy.

It is important to diagnose early because if the embryo develops it can cause rupture of the fallopian tube. One in 50 pregnant women has this condition.

Vegetable striker

Pre-eclectic vegetables are vegetables that are low in the uterus, often near the waist of the uterus, covering part or all of the cervix, obstructing the way out of the fetus during labor. For every 200 pregnant women, 1 person has a precursor vegetable.

It may cause bleeding, leading to early labor or other complications. The position of the forerunner will be checked during the ultrasound process and if it is true that the frontier vegetable will be assigned to a caesarean section.