First pregnancy is easy to miscarry the next time

Pregnant women who are saved for the first time are at risk for complications or problems later in pregnancy, a new study confirms. Vulnerable complications are disease in placenta, weak pregnancy, or death at birth.

Research conducted by experts at Kaiser Permanente Institute of Medicine (Los Angeles).

Picture 1 of First pregnancy is easy to miscarry the next time

(Artwork: Paullarosa)

The team examined more than 71,000 people from different ethnic groups and ethnic groups, once born (or pregnant) between 1991 and 2008. Babies were born in the 20th to 44th week of pregnancy.

According to Xinhua, the team found that women who were pregnant for the first time tended to be younger, went for a late prenatal visit, and had a shorter interval between pregnancies.

The first in-fetal death also significantly increased the risk of preterm or second-term pregnancies, said lead researcher Dr. Darios Getahun.

He also said that in order to have a healthy pregnancy, mothers need to be prepared early and thoroughly before birth, thoroughly overcome diseases such as hypertension, diabetes or malnutrition, infections and diseases. availability before conception, as well as during pregnancy.

" It is extremely important that mothers need time to heal physically and psychologically after the first pregnancy, before conceiving again ," Getahun said.