Keep track of the entire magical pregnancy journey of women in 2 minutes!

After the egg is fertilized, the woman will have the opportunity to go through the most sacred journey of creation: 'Pregnancy'. Follow the whole change of the mother's body during the 9-month 10-month period, which is shortened in the 2-minute video below!

Pregnancy causes a big and constant change in women's bodies. Therefore, at each stage the mother goes through a different state both in terms of endocrine, emotional and sensory activities.

Picture 1 of Keep track of the entire magical pregnancy journey of women in 2 minutes!
Pregnancy causes a big and constant change in women's bodies.

This entire 9-day variation can be summarized as follows:

  1. First month : The embryo will move to the uterus through the fallopian tube. At the beginning of this pregnancy, the mother's body almost does not have any obvious changes. This is also the time when mothers should cultivate more maternity knowledge as well as have careful preparation for the following months.
  2. 2nd month : High HCG hormone causes morning sickness. Along with that, leaps of estrogen and progesterone will also cause pain in the chest area. Mother becomes very sensitive to all kinds of scents. This time is the time to devote much attention to your diet. It's best to ask your doctor for advice about foods and avoid eating. At the same time, vitamins for pregnant women are also recommended.
  3. 3rd month : The change of hormones will make the nipples become large and dark. Meanwhile, Estrogen makes your skin shiny and has a lighter tone. Experts also recommend that this is the time when moms should switch to wide-ranging costumes for pregnant women
  4. 4th month : Because HCG hormone drops, mother will feel healthy, charming and rich in energy. The most amazing thing of this moment is that she will first feel her baby, through kicks.
  5. 5th month : After the period of 'sublimation' last month, the woman will receive pain in the abdomen every time she sits down.
  6. 6th month : Increased estrogen levels will make your hair thicker, nails stronger. However, the mother will also feel pain in the wrist, often reflecting gastric juice.
  7. 7th month : The time for me to prepare things for your birth is here! Due to the influence on the sciatic nerve, back pain muscles will also come. Prepare a special pillow for pregnant women to deal with this problem.
  8. 8th month : Mother often has to wake up suddenly to urinate because the uterus increases in size, putting pressure on the bladder. If the skin feels itchy due to excessive stretching, the mother can use lotion and always provide enough water for the body.
  9. 9th month : Because the baby is about to be born, she will feel great pressure on her lower abdomen. Be prepared to pack up your belongings because you can give birth at any time during this time.