Many people think that sitting up on the stomach is pretty much the way to quickly have a standard body
The loss of a miscarriage due to abortion when caught is a phenomenon that has not been reported, often confused and not well understood.
African bitches know how to self-prevent pregnancy when pregnant for a few weeks in the event that a new male monkey has appeared to prevent the predecessor of the predecessor. new
In the 1932 self-portrait portrayed
Researchers at the University of Toledo found that male sperm provides two centrosomes during fertilization and although they have the same function, they are structured
Scientists believe that the number of birth defects and miscarriages worldwide may be significantly reduced if pregnant women supplement vitamin B3.
Supplementing vitamin B3 in the diet of pregnant women can help overcome some defects at the molecular level, which causes birth defects in the fetus and miscarriage.
A new study shows a link between low vitamin E levels and high rates of miscarriage.
Researchers from the famous Stanford University in the US discovered that pregnant women with bisphenol A (BPA) content in the blood face a miscarriage risk of up to 80%.
British scientists found that testing of progesteron levels (female hormones increased during pregnancy) helps determine the ability to hold babies or not, according to