Genetic mutation that causes recurrent miscarriage in women

According to the Royal Society Journal Open Biology on October 19, an international team of experts discovered a link between mutations in a particular gene and an increased risk of recurrent miscarriage. thereby opening hope for more effective diagnosis and treatment for women with this gene.

The team said that after first identifying the FOXD1 gene in a laboratory mouse, they conducted a verification of whether 556 women in the study had ever had a recurrent miscarriage (also known as RSA). ) Whether there are mutations in the same gene or not.

Picture 1 of Genetic mutation that causes recurrent miscarriage in women
Women with mutations of FOXD1 gene are at high risk of recurrent miscarriage.

RSA is defined as a woman who experiences 3 or more miscarriages during the first 5 weeks of pregnancy. It is estimated that one in every 100 pregnant women will experience this phenomenon.

In addition, during the study, the scientists also followed a group of 271 pregnant women unaffected by the RSA phenomenon.

Thereby, they found that women with mutations of FOXD1 gene had a high risk of recurrent miscarriage, and also found another type of variation that only appeared in the group of women without a history of miscarriage.

From here, they propose that this variant can "key" to prevent miscarriage.

Scientists claim that although there is not much convincing evidence of the effect of FOXD1 gene, they can assume that this is not the first and only gene that causes the recurrence of miscarriage.