Decoding genes in criminals, Swedish scientists have discovered two types of gene mutations that are closely related to aggressive action.

An international team of scientists has discovered gene networks linked to more than 100 mutant DNA codes that cause schizophrenia in humans.

A team of scientists at the University of California successfully modified the genome on stem cells to simulate a rare natural mutation that activates the body's defense against

A research study may help explain why in some cases of autism spectrum disorder may be the result of environmental effects rather than gene mutations.

When a child enters puberty sooner than expected, doctors often cannot explain why. However, researchers have discovered a gene mutation that causes some early puberty cases.

Older fathers who give birth to children, the risk of autism in the next generation (grandchildren) may be higher than those of young children.

The children of older fathers are exactly like the saying in folk According to the study when the father increased by one year, two new mutations appeared in the child's genome.

The world's oldest father recently welcomed the birth of his second son (fertilized by natural methods) at age 96.

Eyesight of blind mice restored after scientists injected a chemical into their eyes, opening up the prospect of treating blindness for humans.

A family in the US state of Kentucky has unusual, blue skin. Their skin color is the subject of many years of mysterious stories that make scientists seek answers.