10 animals have extremely special skin

The skin of species in the animal world is very diverse in shape, size, even different flavors. Some animals have a very special skin, 1-0-2 in the world, giving their owners special abilities.

The skin of species in the animal world is very diverse in shape, size, even different flavors. Some animals have a very special skin, 1-0-2 in the world, giving their owners special abilities.

One of the most important parts of the body that is rarely noticed is the skin. The skin helps protect animals, avoid parasites and bacteria, and it also gives a great sense of touch to the world around them.

10. Crocodile skin helps detect swimming prey

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Crocodile is famous for its rough, hard and very durable skin, which is often used to make branded purses and handbags. However, few people know that the rough skin of crocodile is very sensitive, it has many sensors unlike other animals.

The surface of the crocodile skin is extremely sensitive to water pressure and vibration. The skin from both sides of the jaw dragged along throughout the body to feel the smallest ripples on the water. Help them to detect prey exactly when underwater.

Crocodile is considered one of the species with the most sensitive skin on the planet when there are many sensor points unlike other animals.

Scientists also believe that there are many chemical ingredients in crocodile skin that make it easier for them to find a suitable living environment.

9. The sperm whale has the thickest skin

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Picture 3 of 10 animals have extremely special skin

There are many animals that possess very thick skin to protect the body like crocodiles, rhinos or whale sharks with skin that can be up to 15cm thick. However, that thickness is only half the thickness of a sperm whale's skin, their skin can be up to 35cm thick. The favorite food of sperm whales is giant squid with razor-sharp tentacles, so they need such a thick layer of skin to defend themselves when hunting.

8. Rat gai African has the skin of Wolverine

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Some animals have very thick skin to protect themselves, some do not. Like African thorny rats, they have very thin skin and can easily be damaged. However, they have a very special defense, which is to peel off your skin when caught by an enemy.

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The process of self-replicating a skin patch of African thorns.

Very weak subcutaneous connective tissue makes it possible to do this, but losing the skin makes them very vulnerable. Fortunately, African thorny rats have the ability to restore the skin quickly like Wolverine. They can completely regenerate the skin, hair follicles, sweat glands in just a few days and leave no scars or traces. Even if you have a wound that causes your skin to be damaged, it can also be recovered intact.

7. Octopus and squid discolored skin to camouflage

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Octopuses, cuttlefish and other relatives have great adaptability, but the most surprising is their special skin. The skin has the ability to instantly change colors to suit any environment , helping them to camouflage perfectly. Scientists still cannot explain why they can perceive the color of their surroundings, when octopus and squid are color-blind.

There is a theory that their skin is capable of color sensing, a protein called Opsin that helps all animals perceive colors, but for squid and octopus species, Opsin is present in their skin. instead of in the eyes. Besides, their skin also has the ability to sense light very well. The mechanism of skin discoloration is understood by their special skin pigments.

6. Thorny lizards have a prickly skin layer and hold water

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Moloch lizards , also known as thorny lizards live in the desert region of Australia. They have spiky edema skin for self-defense and adapt to harsh desert conditions.

A special feature of Moloch's lizard skin is not the spikes, but the ability to absorb water to help them survive in the desert. Their thorny skin is able to absorb water very well thanks to the capillary system under the skin. They store water in their skin and this capillary system is like suction pipes that direct water to their mouths. Thorny lizards often cling to walls, rocks to find water.

5. Leather giraffes are like air conditioners

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Giraffes often live in African deserts, where the weather is hot and dry very harsh. While historians can sleep under the shade, elephants protect themselves with mud and hippos soak in water, giraffes cannot do the same because of their high size. Therefore, their skin must be able to regulate special temperatures , like an air conditioning system.

Giraffe's skin does not sweat , in fact, they can sweat, but to keep the water they do not. They increase the body's temperature above the ambient temperature of 5 - 10 degrees, causing their bodies not to sweat. Although this heat makes their body temperature rise too high.

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In order to balance, their skin has dark spots , scientists have discovered that these dark spots are like a heat escape window . Under these dark spots are complex vascular systems with large blood vessels in the border, they can identify cool winds or wait until the ambient temperature is low to cool itself. Giraffes also have more skin than animals of the same weight, so they can cool better.

4. Zebra stripes are used to distract

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There are many theories about the effect of black and white stripes on zebra skin, many scientists believe that it makes it difficult for predators to identify an individual in a whole herd. Military research again shows that it is difficult to assess the speed of the target with high color contrast, which was also applied in military camouflage, applied to warships during World War I.

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Each zebra with different characteristic stripes helps them recognize each other. Besides, contrast colors also help them avoid insects. Because light is polarized when encountering a black stripe, while the white stripe eliminates bright polarization, insects are disturbed by the alternation of polarized light .

3. Bornean frogs breathe through the skin

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This particular frog has no lungs , they also do not have gills , all of their breathing activity is done through special skin. Although breathing through the skin is not the best method, this frog has a low metabolic rate, which also means they do not need much oxygen. Besides they live in cold waters, cold water helps keep oxygen longer.

Scientists still cannot explain why this frog species has no lungs, many speculations due to adapting to the conditions of fasting waters. Carrying an air bag in your body (lungs) in fast flowing waters can cause them to be washed away. The pollution environment is making this frog difficult to survive, but the good news is that they cannot get lung cancer.

2. Chameleon and camouflage ability

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Like new squid and octopus, chameleon has the ability to change skin color to camouflage. However, they also use this ability to adjust the temperature and communicate with each other. Another special feature of the chameleon is that they disguise themselves and their enemies.

When an enemy comes close, they don't change color to camouflage the same way. For example, if they meet a bird of prey, they will change color into the surrounding environment, but for some other species they turn into vivid colors. Somehow, the chameleon knows his enemy well, this is the first time an animal has been shown to use different types of camouflage depending on the type of enemy.

1. Nudibranchs are capable of photosynthesis through the skin

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Green sea slug is a special animal, it only eats algae and has a leaf-like body. After eating a few meals, they turn green and begin to absorb solar energy, like the ability of photosynthesis to produce energy for the body. It is the only animal on Earth capable of photosynthesis.

This is caused by absorbing chlorophyll in the algae and transferring it to your skin. This chlorophyll will disappear after a while, and they only reload by eating algae. Scientists believe that this particular snail has the ability to alter the DNA structure to incorporate algae DNA into its DNA structure. After fully feeding the algae and starting photosynthesis , they do not need to eat and drink, just absorb sunlight, while they do not produce waste.

Update 16 December 2018



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