Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

These animals not only have extremely high lifespans - up to thousands of years but also have the ability to "improve old age."

>>>Secret life of animals

From ancient times, people have tried to find every way to achieve immortality, forever young and old: from myths such as fresh springs or sci-fi measures such as putting people into sleep state. east. But everlasting youth is still just a dream.

However, the animal world seems to have succeeded in 'blocking' old age. There are animals that exist on Earth with a huge amount of time without . aging. Let's review some of the animals that are capable of 'immortal life' below.

1. Lobster

Few people know that lobsters - the favorite food and luxury of people have such a long life that many people are surprised. Experts have discovered that lobsters are in fact not 'old' but they just . grow.

Picture 1 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

'Old' here can be understood that lobster is not weakened over time. Instead, they only get bigger and bigger in size.

Picture 2 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

Lobster does not encounter any problems of human age, but even more healthy over time. When the outer shell becomes too small, obstructs growth, the shrimp simply peels off and continues to grow.

Picture 3 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

Many lobsters with a size of about 9kg of the same age have been captured - up to 140 years old. However, if their age is proportional to their weight and size, how long will the old Guinness record lobster weigh up to 23kg (captured in 1926 in Maine)?

2. Turtle

In the animal world, turtles are famous for their respectable lifespan. However, an interesting thing that you may not know is that the turtles don't grow old but always stay in the 'adolescent' age.

Biologically, scientists have found that there is nothing different between a young turtle and an old lady over 100 years old.

Picture 4 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

This indicates that, when the level of fully matured function is reached, the turtle's body will suddenly stop and not age.

In addition to many agencies that are not aging over time, researchers have also found that the heart of a turtle does not always beat in response to nerves, sometimes not even beating. It seems that this slow animal has the ability to "turn off" their hearts when they want to.

Picture 5 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

Although there are still dead turtles, the cause is not age. Turtles can be lost due to illness, accident or other external factors.

With its longevity and unlimited fertility, turtles are among the most enduring and supple species in the world.

3. Bowhead whale

Bowhead whales are whales that are favored with the largest mouth of all animals. Not only that, they are also said to be the longest-lived mammals ever known.

Picture 6 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

Scientists used to think that Bowhead whales only lasted about 60 to 70 years. However, in 2007, the Bowhead whale caught by native Alaska residents proved the opposite.

It was found on the back of this whale the first part of an anchor hook - the weapon used since the 1890s. This means the Bowhead whale has swam around the seabed with this antique in about 117 years or more.

Picture 7 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

Scientists estimate that this fish was born in 1877, meaning that it is 130 years old by the time of its death. And if it was not captured and murdered, perhaps, it could have lived for about two centuries.

4. Glass sponge

Many people think that sponges are just a simple creature, even if they are a plant, not an animal. However, it is not only listed on the original animal list, the lifespan of the glass sponge also makes you stunned when the number of years exceeds the number . 10,000 years.

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Frame structure of glass sponge.

Many specimens of glass sponges that are still alive today are thought to have aged up to 15,000 years, making them the "oldest" animals on the planet.

Picture 9 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

They are even older than pyramids or even civilization. Scientists think that this sponge had its present appearance from about 700 million years ago. They retain this appearance and are relaxed to the present day with each individual being up to thousands of years old.

5. Jellyfish Turritopsis Nutricula

Normal jellyfish have a long lifespan, usually only from a few hours to a few months, some species live for several years. However, the jellyfish Turritopsis Nutricula becomes the 'king' of all jellyfish when it comes to biological life cycles, they are immortal.

Picture 10 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

The special ability of this jellyfish is not to stop aging, but to "improve old age." Accordingly, every time the natural environment becomes too difficult, or the jellyfish is injured or the food is too sparse, a special mechanism in the jellyfish will be activated.

This mechanism is done through transdifferentiation - when cells in the jellyfish body transform themselves into new cells.

The cells will constantly change until the young jellyfish forms a polyp - the form before forming the complete jellyfish.

Picture 11 of Top animals 'longevity' that you didn't expect

After that, they will grow and reproduce new generations of jellyfish. In theory, this process can be repeated over and over, turning this jellyfish into the only multicellular organism known to be able to reverse its life cycle.

However, with the largest size being only 4.5mm, this jellyfish faces many risks before they can 'improve old age'. They often face being hunted or susceptible to disease during the period of plankton.

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