The secret of longevity lies in the gut?

It is often concluded that the secret of longevity is hidden in the 'health' of the heart and lungs, but it is now found in the gut. At least in . flies. But aren't many medical conclusions about humans not starting from that fruit fly?

People often view mitochondria (mytochondrrin) as part of 'electrostatic cells' because it provides energy for these cells. It is well known that in the process of aging, electrostatic cells lose their activity, leading to a series of other 'following' cells that are due to a malfunction of the energy supply.

Although mitochondrial aging is still said to be an indirect cause of cellular aging, scientists from the research group led by David Walker stimulate mitochondrial activity to effect on PGC-1 gene . It's too early to prove the mitochondrial regulatory role not only in fruit flies but also in humans.

Picture 1 of The secret of longevity lies in the gut?
The secret of longevity can lie in the intestine?

'Activating this gene in different tissues of fruit flies, we suppressed the process of cell aging. Finally, we found that, if gene stimulation of PGC-1 in the digestive cells is more effective, the survival time of fruit flies can be increased , ' said Professor Walker. Head of research program said on popmech.

According to Walker, that way, he extends the life of those little flies to 1.5 times. He created flies that lived for 2 months, at this stage, their aging signs began to appear. They become slower and more languid.

David Walker continued: 'Similar stimuli to neurons, to muscle cells and other cells do not achieve such effects. That said, in the digestive system, there is still a secret that is very important to slow down the aging process by acting on the intestine which seems to have a positive effect on the whole body. Often looking for 'longevity medicine' - figuratively speaking, looking for measures to suppress the aging process - people think of the brain and heart almost no one thinks of the very significant role of the system. digestion '.

In this scientist's opinion, it is the digestive system that guarantees the body's energy and nutrients, as well as the barrier, first blocking the path that pathogens and poisons penetrate. into the body. Thus, the digestive system is in the position of the precursor before branching of the metabolism in the whole body. If it goes wrong, all the remaining parts are ineffective. Yet it seems to be forgotten.