Simple trick to live long

The oldest man in the UK, Reg Dean 110 years old in Derbyshire witty, said his long-term secret is . lazy.

>>>The secret to living the longest in the world

According to experts, Reg Dean is not joking, a slow life with lots of interesting, meaningful things that can extend life to people. In the animal world, turtle life is the clearest proof of this theory.

According to one of the aging theories, the slower the life process of metabolism is, the longer the time is and the slower the aging process. Life consists of a series of stressful activities, putting great pressure on our bodies. Hard work is not always good, for example, long working hours in the office can lead to depression, anxiety, even nervous breakdown or excessive physical activity may be enemies. of life expectancy.

Picture 1 of Simple trick to live long
Lazy help prolong human life?

Recently, in September last, the deaths of four men in the marathon Great North Run competition are typical examples of such dangers.

Lazy combined with simple behaviors that bring health benefits such as a nap will be a great way to prolong life. A study in 2007 on 23,681 adult Greeks found that people who regularly take a nap (even if it is just a nap) will live significantly longer than the other group.

This 'truth' has been mentioned since ancient Greece. Aristotle, a philosopher, believes that life is slow, slow, that people have enough time to consider the essentials, more effectively than the busy life of merchants or politicians. Meanwhile Epicurus also advises people to withdraw from city life in search of what he calls 'not worrying'.

Both of these ideas are mentioned in a recent book, National Gardening Leave, compiled by the New Economic Foundation's Advisory Group (NEF) with an interesting subtitle: 'England will be better if All the time we spend for less office? '. Accordingly, the authors propose a plan to work only 4 days a week but it seems not feasible because even if it is beneficial, it is rare for lazy life to be chosen by many reasons including reasons simply money.