10 great reasons to drink beer

Contrary to the grumbling words of wives about the harmful effects of drinking, actually drinking beer in moderate amounts (1-2 cups) is actually beneficial for health. Science has proved that beer has many unexpected effects, despite its harmful alcoholic image.

Benefits of drinking beer

Of course, please note that we are only referring to moderate drinking (1 cup / day for women and up to 2 cups / day for men), not drunkards The night of the morning. With that dose, your body will benefit as follows:

1. Reduce the risk of heart attack

A study of 200,000 people conducted in Italy found that people who drank beer daily had a 31% lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than normal people. The strength of beer's heart protection comes primarily from the natural antioxidant known as Phenol in beer. However, this study emphasizes that people who drink too much are at increased risk of heart attack.

2. Prevent Alzheimer's disease

Perhaps one of the most significant effects of beer is its ability to prevent and prevent Alzheimer's. Researchers at Chicago's College of Medicine Stritch have analyzed many studies before coming to the conclusion that people who drink moderately will reduce their risk of getting the syndrome by up to 23%. The silicon molecule in beer is believed to protect the brain from the harmful effects of high concentrations of aluminum in the body - which is a major cause of Alzheimer's disease.

Picture 1 of 10 great reasons to drink beer

3. Reduce diabetes risk

One more incredible benefit of beer. A 2011 study by Harvard University with 38,000 middle-aged men found that those who drank 1-2 cups of beer a day had 25% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than normal. Light alcohol in beer increases insulin sensitivity, a factor that helps prevent diabetes.

4. Support to prevent kidney stones

Another study in Finland concluded that daily moderate beer consumption reduced the risk of developing kidney stones by up to 40%, due to the abundance of water (more than 93%) of beer, helping to eliminate remove toxins from the body, maintain kidney activity. In addition, foaming compounds also help slow the release of calcium from the bones, so that calcium has a hard chance of accumulating in the kidneys and forming kidney stones.

5. Minimize the risk of cancer

Beer contains an important antioxidant, xanthohumol . This substance has very strong anti-cancer properties and helps protect the body from cancer-causing enzymes. Studies have shown that beer increases the ability of women to prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Picture 2 of 10 great reasons to drink beer

6. Reduce cholesterol

If you're looking for an easy way to reduce cholesterol in your body, drinking beer in moderation is the solution.

7. Regulating blood pressure

It is also interesting to know that beer can regulate blood pressure in the body, according to a Harvard University study. Accordingly, women aged 25-40 who drink moderately will have a lower risk of hypertension than women who drink wine or other alcoholic beverages.

8. Helps strong bones

Beer contains a significant proportion of silicon, an element that is closely related to bone health. A 2009 study found that people who drank 1-2 cups a day had a higher bone density than those who only liked drinking wine or not drinking. However, if drinking more than 2 cups, it increases the risk of bone damage.

Picture 3 of 10 great reasons to drink beer

9. Helping to treat dandruff

Another interesting finding about beer is that it is a natural method of treating dandruff most effectively. This is due to the high rate of vitamin B in beer. All you need to do is rinse your hair with 1 bottle of beer 2-3 times a week to remove dandruff. Moreover, your hair becomes super soft and shiny.

10. Reduce the risk of stroke

Research conducted by the American Stroke Association has shown that people who drink moderately can reduce their risk of stroke by 50% compared to normal people. This is because beer will prevent blood clots, block blood flow to the heart, neck and brain - which is the main cause of stroke, cerebral thrombosis.